1. Think of at least
3 benefits of using speeches by famous figures, in the classroom.
a. As a good
aunthentic material in developing moral values among students.
b. Can develop in
students awareness of human issues.
c. Can upsurge
patriotisme among the students
2. Go to www.youtube.com and find the audio-visual on the speech. In not less than 50 words, state would the audio-visual be of any use in helping understand the speech better? State your reasons.
Audio - visual
plays an important tool to inform, educate or persuade a person or
audience. Audio visual can help learners to understand the speech
better because it provides opportunity for them to pick up on speech
nuances such as tone and pitch. In this way they are able to process
and retain information better compare to just reading the text. Using
audio-visual can increase the level of understanding of the speech as
well as enjoyment during the learning process.
3. Who is Martin Luther King?
Martin Luther King Jr. is a clergy, activist and was the most important voice of the American Civil Rights movement that fight for equal rights for all. He was well-known for using nonviolent method to overcome injustice, and he never give up on trying to end segregation.
4. Based on the
questions below, analyse the features of the given written
a. What is the purpose of the speech?
The purpose of
this speech is to call for racial equality that demand for a fair
treatment between
races and to end
the discrimination.
b. What is the tone of the speech?
The tone of
the speech is urgency that shows dramatic shifts that indicate
enraged from cautionary to hopeful.
c. What interesting major feature(s) can you see from the speech? (i.e.Repetition of phrases, emphasis on certain things said etc)
The major
features that can be seen from the speech are
ci ) Emphasizes on
phrases by repeating at the beginning of sentences.
Examples : " One hundred years later............................"
Now is the time.................."
cii ) Key "Theme"
words are repeated throughout the speech
Examples :
ciii ) Utilize
suitable quotation or allusions
Examples :
" Five score years ago........................" refer to
Lincoln's famous Gettysburg
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.............. "
refer to United States
of Independence
civ ) Usage of
specific examples to support arguments
Luther King Jr uses geographic references to illustrate logical
Examples :
Mississippi, New York
cv ) Metaphors are
used to highlight contrasting concepts
: " joyous daybreak
to end the long
of their captivity"
sweltering with the
of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis
and justice".
d. Any interesting facts that you can gather based on the background of the speech?
Some of the
interesting facts are based on the background of the speech are :
It is only 17 minutes
The speech highlighted of
the March on Washingt that begin at the Washington Monument
ended at the Lincoln Memorial.
iii. The speech
was consider as the 20th century top speech and hasn't budged from
the spot
August 28, 1963.
iv. Martin
remixed the speech on the spot.
The speech has a lot of inspiration such as from Abraham
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation,
even Shakespeare.
e. Suggest a while-reading activity that can be derived from this particular speech.
gives each students a printed copy of the " I Have a Dream "
speech . Teachers explains to the students that they need to look for literary
terms such as
i. alliteration
ii. allusion
iii. metaphor
iv. parallelism
v. hyperbole
vi. assonance
from the speech text. Teacher plays
the video of the speech. The students will be watching, underline
and label the literary terms. Teacher the instruct students to form
small groups an review the examples they found and ask them to
include as many nas them can.Teacher reviews the findings as a class.
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